St. Louis Bar and Grill
  • Reduced incident resolution time
  • Improved assessment results
  • Shorter assessment times

When managing over 70 stores across a country, there isn’t enough data that can be pulled from site visits when done on paper. Tim Crowe, Director of Operations for St. Louis Bar and Grill, came to this realization pretty quickly once joining St. Louis in 2015. This led Tim and St. Louis to find a solution that can keep everyone in the loop.

In a director role, Tim can only make his way to one or two stores in a given day, making real-time assessment results even more important: “Its real time results. Instead of pen and paper, going home to tally things, we have actionable results at the end of every audit. The follow up and turnaround time is night and day compared to what it used to be.” In addition to store visibility, Tim also found that there were impacts to store performance: “The biggest thing that I see is the Year-over-Year results. It allows us to identify items that may be failing on a regular basis, which allows us to create strategy to really tackle those problems. If an item fails 3-4 times in a year, we can make that a priority and ensure that it won’t be a problem going forward.” This has reflected in St. Louis business reviews, leading them to improve by at least 5 points per year since beginning to work with MeazureUp in 2019.

Learn more about how you can improve training with a revamped site visit process by taking a short demo.