The Benefits of Unlimited User Models for Digital Checklists and Field Audits

By Gurdeep Mitra October 26, 2021 Blog, All, Gyms & Fitness
female staff using reading up unlimited user model on digital tablet in supermarket

For companies still using digital checklists and field audits that charge per user or per location, it’s time to consider the advantages of an unlimited user model. While switching to an unlimited model may seem more expensive at first blush, you’ll see the value to your business is much greater and the cost much lower than sticking with your current plan.

Control Costs With Unlimited Users

Digital audit and checklist applications that charge per user look attractive for very small-scale uses. For example, if you have one or two stores with relatively few employees, paying per person could work fine because it’s easy for a small set of people to keep track of all the locations.

However, the per-user model doesn’t support a larger business. If you want to extend checklists to dozens of stores, the cost becomes prohibitive and your ROI crumbles away.

And the per-user model will quickly hobble your ability to grow the business. Whether you want to expand by purchasing existing stores or building fresh ones, it takes serious budget commitment to start up new locations. Launching a store is fraught with risks that could drive up costs and delay the opening. And after opening, you have a short time to make a good impression and turn curious customers into loyal patrons.

A powerful checklist app with real-time reporting and data analytics will help you navigate this tricky time and get your newest ventures up and running quickly. Checklists help you train new employees fast and reinforce initial training classes but there is often a reluctance to get all employees using an app when paying per user.

Further, Store managers can monitor activity anywhere in the store, and field managers stay in touch with progress even if they aren’t on site. Analytics from checklists and digital audit data compare the new store’s performance to company benchmarks and help owners identify any problems with the new operation.

The checklist can play a pivotal role in expansion success. But with a per-user model, you won’t have the latitude to make the best use of it. The costs will get too high too fast.

Multiply the Power of Digital Checklists with Unlimited Users

Many owners originally adopted apps with per-user pricing because they weren’t sure if checklists and digital field audits were right for their stores. They may have had a few people using paper checklists and they simply translated that process into digital. But once they see how powerful and simple digital checklists are, the per-user pricing model holds them back.

When you don’t have to worry about the number of user licenses you’re paying for, you unleash the power of digital and put checklists into the hands of any employee. Owners, district managers, and front-line workers can rely on checklists to ensure performance consistency.

District managers no longer carry the entire burden of making sure employees follow procedures. Every person on the team becomes accountable for their work. And they have a daily reminder of the tasks they need to accomplish.

Plus, with everyone following the same set of checklists, there’s no confusion about what needs to get done. When managers verbally remind employees about essential procedures, it’s still easy for people to misunderstand, misremember, or just forget what they heard. But the checklists back up managers with clearly presented instructions for each task, keeping the entire team focused on the right actions every day.

Access Performance Data for Better Results with Unlimited Users

When most people in your organization are completing checklists regularly, you’ll accumulate powerful data which drives improvements in procedures, work environment, teamwork, and training. With unlimited users, you can track any employee’s performance over time to assess their work, offer praise for excellence, and coach them on weak spots.

Aggregate the data at the level of departments, stores, regions, and corporate-wide for a nuanced understanding of how your business is doing. You can also correlate work performance with customer satisfaction and revenue.

Digital checklists allow each user to access a customized view of the data. So, every person with the app can see information relevant to them, whether that’s an employee’s personal record or a store manager’s group results. Sharing performance information encourages employee loyalty and teamwork because everyone understands how they contribute to overall success.

Without unlimited users, it’s extremely difficult to collect and analyze such a rich collection of information. If only district managers have the checklist, for example, they may visit a specific location every few days. So, you get a spotty picture of what’s happening at each store.

And if you have just a few accounts with per-user pricing, people will tend to share logins, which muddies the picture. You can’t associate results with a single person or group or correlate their work with business targets. Additionally, shared logins may also present a security issue with some employees seeing information that may not pertain to their role.

Supercharge Training with Unlimited Users

In a hectic business environment, training sometimes gets overlooked. Unfortunately, that means employees struggle to do their jobs properly. When people aren’t well-prepared for the tasks they need to accomplish, stress levels rise, and performance drops. But training can be time-consuming for managers, trainers, and employees, so teams often just struggle through.

However, if every worker has access to a checklist app, you can train ‘on the job.’ The checklists not only tell people what they need to do but also provide instructions and videos that help them learn. You can use checklists to guide newcomers through on-boarding or handle periodic training like health and safety refreshers.

If operating procedures change, checklists assist in the communication and reinforcement of new tasks. Employees simply consult the list, and they know exactly what to do; there’s much less miscommunication, forgetting, or falling into old habits, so the learning curve for new operations gets steep and fast.

Of course, training applies to every employee at every level, so a user or location-based pricing model will prevent your team from leveraging checklists for on-the-job learning.

Is it Time for a Switch?

If you’re working with a user- or location-based pricing model today, take a few moments to consider how checklists and digital audits are contributing to your business. If better performance data, extended activity monitoring, remote auditing, and improved training could help you grow the company, increase revenue, or lower costs, it may be time to try out an unlimited pricing model for your checklists and see where they can take you.

MeazureUp is committed to supporting our customers with an unlimited user pricing model. Click here for a free trial today.