How to Fix Your Restaurant Staff Turnover Problem

By Jason Bench July 30, 2024 Blog, Restaurant
restaurant staff turnover 

Frustrated by long hours, low pay, difficult customers, and, of course, the pandemic, 16% of restaurant workers had quit their job by the end of 2021, part of what came to be known as the Great Resignation. That sudden restaurant staff turnover left operators scrambling. Combined with high inflation rates, it forced many to cut back on menu items, seats, or even service hours. Today, the National Restaurant Association says that 45% of restaurants need more employees to meet customer demand but hiring and training new staff is expensive. One estimate puts the price of replacing a single employee at $5,864 in training expenses and productivity costs. Happily, unfilled positions in the food service dropped from 7.6% in May 2023 to 5.1% in May 2024. That slow rebound may not be enough for every owner and manager. You’ve got to take matters into your own hands. 

The answer to your restaurant staff turnover problem lies not only in hiring more staff, but also in retaining the employees who are currently working for you.  

10 Ways to Combat Restaurant Staff Turnover

1. Offer Competitive Wages and Benefits

Low pay and poor benefits are major factors in high turnover rates. While more competitive compensation might seem like a budget-buster, it’s a crucial investment in staff retention that will pay off quickly. Begin by conducting market research to ensure your pay rates and benefits are on par with or better than local competitors. Regularly review and adjust individual compensation packages to help attract and retain quality staff members by making them feel valued and fairly compensated for their work.

2. Be Flexible in Scheduling

Rigid schedules may work better for you, but they can conflict with employees’ personal lives, leading to dissatisfaction and restaurant staff turnover. Providing employees with more flexibility in their shifts accommodates their personal needs and preferences. Ensure fair distribution of shifts and allow staff to swap shifts to let employees know that their personal priorities are respected at work.  

3. Foster a Positive Work Environment

A toxic workplace culture drives employees away. Create a supportive and inclusive workplace culture instead. Demand respect and institute a zero-tolerance policy around verbal abuse, harassment, and violence. Recognize achievements, celebrate milestones, and encourage teamwork to boost employee morale. Implement regular mandatory team-building activities and compensate employees for their participation. Open communication channels for feedback to foster a sense of ownership and community. A more positive environment will retain employees by making them feel appreciated and part of a cohesive team. 

4. Provide Career Advancement Opportunities

Lack of growth opportunities can leave staff feeling stuck and unmotivated. Establish clear pathways for promotion and professional development within your restaurant to combat this issue. Support those who want to work toward a career with your company through formal training programs, mentorship, and opportunities to take on more responsibility. Promote these opportunities and encourage staff to set career goals. You’ll foster a culture of growth and ambition, reducing turnover by providing employees with a vision for their future. 

5. Streamline Training Programs

Inconsistent or inadequate training frustrates employees, contributing to restaurant staff turnover. It also increases the possibility of potentially dangerous and reputation-damaging mistakes. Create comprehensive training modules that guide new hires through each step of their onboarding process and implement a digital checklist to ensure compliance and build confidence. Regularly update your checklists based on feedback and new practices to keep training relevant and effective.  

6. Implement a Recognition Program

Employees who feel undervalued are more likely to leave. Regularly acknowledge and reward employees for their hard work and dedication to boost morale and encourage loyalty. This might include awards like Employee of the Month, performance bonuses, and public shoutouts during staff meetings.  

7. Improve Work-Life Balance

Burnout is prevalent in the restaurant industry. Encourage staff to take their breaks and to use their paid time off. Implement policies that prevent overworking. Regularly checking in to ensure they are managing their workload effectively will show that you care about their well-being, reducing burnout and employee turnover at your restaurant.  

8. Conduct Regular Audits

Overlooked issues can grow into larger problems, affecting staff morale and operations. Using a digital field assessment tool to perform regular field audits allows managers to identify problem areas where employees may need additional support or training. This proactive approach helps address issues before they become larger problems, ensuring a smoother operation and a better work environment. Review audit results with your team to implement improvements and demonstrate your commitment to continuous improvement and employee development.  

9. Optimize Operational Efficiency

Inefficient processes increase stress and workload on employees. Regularly examine the way that you do things at your restaurant, looking for opportunities to streamline and optimize operations. Take advantage of your digital audit platform to spot trending issues and use what you learn to improve the working environment at your restaurants. Make it easier for employees to do their jobs by clarifying expectations and standardizing procedures in the waiting area, dining room, and kitchen.  

10. Implement Digital Checklists for Daily Tasks

A lack of clarity around responsibilities can lead to confusion and frustration among staff. Use a digital checklist solution to ensure that staff have clear, concise daily tasks. This reduces confusion, helps maintain consistent standards, and ensures accountability. Implementation involves training staff on using the app and regularly reviewing the completed checklists to provide feedback. Clear expectations and streamlined operations can significantly improve employee satisfaction and reduce turnover. 

Reduce Restaurant Staff Turnover with Digital Solutions 

Attracting and retaining restaurant staff requires a multifaceted approach that keeps your employees motivated and satisfied. 

Implementing our strategies will improve employee morale, enhance the overall operational efficiency of your restaurant and reduce turnover. By making these changes, you’ll invest in the long-term success of your business and the well-being of your employees. 

See how MeazureUp’s digital field assessment and checklist tools can help you streamline your operations, improve training, maintain high standards, and retain staff across your locations. Schedule a demo today